Monday 30 July 2012

L’addition, s’il vous plaît.

Nothing doing for ages, then it all happens at once. Not only did we have a recently fledged dipper hoping around in the garden on Sunday, but also crossbill flying over. The 'bill takes us to 71, and a happy 94.66%. No ducks though.

Hey, that takes it to the top spot - we'll just get our guitars out and have a wee sing song to celebrate (unless you pay us to stop).

Tuesday 17 July 2012

pushing da envelope

A spare 30 mins this eve and a bit of a clearance of the fog so razzed up to galley for a sconce from the car (seriously cheating!) - manxies were hooring through but managed to glean a balearic in amongst them  - huzzah! a sooty & 2 stormies before the light finally went - all good!

Monday 16 July 2012

Daffy Duck turns the summer blues bright orange

Year ticks are few and far between of late with Gropper finally falling, along with Manxie and Great Crested Grebe. Other birders have gripped me off with Gadwall, Hobby and, patch mega gold, Coot!

I claim, though, Bird of the Year with the discovery at Blackdog of Daffy Duck. This bird has puzzled, repulsed and terrified observers, being likened to a cross between a Common Scoter and a Farmyard Goose. While much money now lies on a Common x Surfie hybrid, I think the images clearly show that, rather than living out an animated retirement from Looney Tunes, Daffy has pitched in and is trying to look inconspicuous among the local scoter flock.

Statto (106 species, 84.13%)

more swatching at the sea

2 hours in gloom & drizzle this am but worth it for a great shear and a few sooties - year ticks! Plus the close cory's was v cool! Quality not quantity so far this year, but one of everything is quite enuff!

Monday 2 July 2012

seawatching anyone?

Oh go on then! Gave it an hour & 15 mins last night and scored cory's, 3 poms, 2 bonx, 1 arctic skua & 4 common terns - score!