Tuesday 31 July 2018

Where's me scope?

At long last the wind has rolled round to the south-west and started to pick up. Time to dig out the scope and fling me leg over the wall at Galley for a seawatch or two! Its been ok too, good numbers of Great Shearwaters (360-odd, count 'em) and Cory's Shearwaters (51, count 'em again), plus a couple of Balearic Shearwaters and a good few Sooty Shearwaters. Plus padders like Tystie, Common Tern (Thanks Ross!), Bonxie and the like to bump up the numbers. All good. Sadly just shy of Bushveld's total - looks like I'll have to give the sea another lash again shortly!

Monday 9 July 2018

All a bit swift

I feel bad for doing this to Bushveld, but we've just updated our score. Swift and the two martins, together with red legged partridge takes us to 95.63%. Its pretty dull out there just now, but that does free up plenty time for cycling.

Thursday 5 July 2018


My first Lesser black-back gull since 2nd April 2016 puts me just two species away from a place I've never been.

Happy days
