Thursday 15 September 2022

Hello below me!

 Yes indeedy, these are strange times on patch, with plenty missed and some things seen, and a few other bits in between....

Forgot to add a seawatch update from last week which saw me net a bagful of large shears as well as patch goodies such as long-tailed skuas, pomarine skua, grey phalarope and best of all, two full fat leach's petrels! Which was nice.

Away last weekend and an incendiary Old Spoons enpatch led to me missing a whopping eight (count 'em) year ticks, however I was able to claw back a fine whinchat and connect with an even better redstart on monday to close the missed gap to just the six species. or so I thought. The redstart was good enough to get me over the near-mythical 100% barrier too, which is miraculously early - game on!

However, news of a yellow wagtail  and a short-eared owl on patch on tues, followed quickly by reports of a red-rumped swallow by one lucky observer yesterday am and another report of a hobby by another lucky observer fairly had me gnashing my teeth!

All you can do is get back on the horse though, so out again I went after work, and soon I'd clawed back spotted flycatcher for the year, before stumbling into a showy and lingering long-eared owl (shurely yesterdays reported SEO?) which performed well for the quickly assembled crowds...

Easily my best ever views on patch, with only one previous record from dusk one summer evening in 2012.

All good! Onwards and upwards....

Tuesday 13 September 2022

September Delights

The last two weeks have been a Patch Birding bonanza.  The large numbers of large shearwaters and small skuas reported along the coast tempted me out to join in the fun.  A seawatch on the 1st produced a couple of long-tailed skuas (Full Fat Patch Ticks) but alas no large shears.  Luckily the winds shifted to the east which meant migs...

The 2nd produced a pied fly, the first since 2015! followed by a red-backed shrike on the 3rd.  Barred warbler (another Full Fat Patch Tick) and lesser whitethroat on the 6th. Spot fly, redstart and whinchat on the 7th were blown away when a visiting birder looking at another red-backed shrike found an adult female BROWN SHRIKE on the 9th.  

Unfortunately a case of Patch Poaching occurred on the 8th when a couple of no goods found a wryneck on patch and kicked it hard enough for me to dip.  

Three full fat patch ticks in one month and 11 year ticks puts me on 110 for the year and 91.67%.

Very Happy Days


Tuesday 6 September 2022

banging them in

 Yes indeedy, its been slow and steady on patch the last couple of weeks - not amayzing but just knocking off some regular and not so regular waders and seabirds for the old year list. Wader highlights have involved a single bar-tailed godwit the other evening, plus a few flyover ringed plover, dunlin  and sanderlings. A dodgy attempt to string two distant dark-looking small waders into turnstones was later deemed unnecessary after stumbling across a good 'un thusly...

blurred and on the huh, yesterday

To seabirds then, and while great shearwater  and cory's shearwater both fell back in july/august, I have managed to further glean a total of nine (count 'em) long-tailed skuas, five (count 'em again!) grey phalaropes and a fine 1w little gull over the last couple of days which moves me on nicely.

It must be nearly time for some migs now tho hey?