Tuesday 13 November 2018

Y-front from the jax window

Stuck me bins out the jax window this am and lo and behold there was a goose on the deck! A rare sight indeed at Galley!

Y-fronted Goose

Closer inspection after the school run revealed it to be of the Greenland race, as opposed to first thoughts of Russian. But you shouldn't try to race geese, as generally they fly too fast....

Thursday 1 November 2018

Royzah's up into second place!

He's been bangin 'em in like a good 'un the last couple of weeks, with a fine white-billed diver, pom skewer, purple sand, GND, redpoll, siskin and grey partridge all added in the last phew days! Enough to take him well clear of Mr Nimmo who is seemingly marooned in 3rd place, with nothing much left to add.

In other news, I knocked in long-tailed tits yesterday - it doesn't get any better than that!

Turning the screw

Out with the dogs this morning and scored a snow bunting. Precisely three years and one day since my last one on the patch.

112 species = 107.69%

Happy days
