That was the year in which Longhaven recorded its highest ever total, finishing on a mighty 135 species for the patch, smashing the previous highest by a whole 9 species.
Best birds of the year were undoubtedly:
1st - Semi-palmated sandpiper
2nd - green winged teal.
3rd - Taiga Bean goose
A whole plethora of patch firsts this year included an array of waders: little ringed plover, curlew sandpiper, little stints, purple sand and of course the semi-p. Other full fat patch ticks included rather shamely little egret and sooty shear'.
Notable absences included yellow-browed warbler and both grey wag and siskin both of which I vaguely remember getting but never properly recorded, so they're not on the list.
So that's it for 2023. Another year slides into the record books and another one begins.
Good luck every one hope the patch rares will be plentiful.
Final scores on the doors for 2023 - 135 species, 112.22%.
Happy days