Sunday, 29 January 2012

purple patch

Spoke too soon Mr B, as I have great news from the patch! Managed to scope purple sand with me new shiny zoom, a full-fat patch tick, from the patch shores, even tho they were at least 2.5km off patch! I drove closer to verify 'em, and drove back again to re-verify 'em but there's no gettin away from it, purp sand is now on de patch list, and I am a sad b@st@rd! Back in front, for now...


  1. that's the problem with the new wankofski HD - they give a sort of purple tinge to distant dunlin!

  2. i never said i could make out any purple! I only said they were dark! How come everyone keeps goin for dunlin anyway, I'd have thought turnstone would be more likely - there was one there with them all right but I didn't count it - that would have been pushing it!!

  3. cos the last time I looked turnstone don't look anything like purps. ...

    but then nor do dunlin really.

  4. they do at 2.5 km range mate!
