Mega day in Wanstead. The forecast looked amazing, so I phoned up that idiot Parsons and told him I wasn't coming in - I think they drafted Paul Merton in. Good thing they did, as you would not have managed to get me off the patch for love nor money. The result? Three year ticks towards the Golden Mallard, two of them lifers, and more Lapwings that you could shake a stick at.
To cut a long story short, the Jack Snipe was Wanstead's first since 1979 - I was a young man then - and the six Golden Plover were my first ever here. Ad winter Med Gull, and the small matter of 373 Lapwings ....
New total 73, or 68.22%.
Megaduck was around again, this time trying to eat Moorhens. |
Gah! No cold snap whatsoever hereabouts! Its 12 degrees outside FFS! Nothing moving either, but dunnocks starting to sing - ooo migrants!