An eventful few days at Galley, with a fly-by, calling
richard's pipit last week, a few
yellow-browed warblers appearing over the weekend, while on Sunday I nailed my 4th ever
great crested grebe on the lake, before bumping into a immature red-breasted type flycatcher at shite lane, which we'll have to come back to later.
What a beauty! |
What wasn't so nice was deciding to go on fieldwork the next day, allowing Old Spoons to slip three (count 'em)
tree sparrows (full fat patch tick), 2
stock doves (not had stockie on patch for 3 years) and a
firecrest past me - Doh! I got back in time for an evening thrash but to no avail. He got photographic evidence of two of the claims so I can't even rubbish em!
Back on patch on Tuesday....
Ooooooof |
An eared owl sp last night in the dark was inked onto the list as a
short-eared owl. After missing a patch tick & 2 good year ticks on Monday, there's no way I'm missing out on another one just because I couldn't actually ID it!
I've updated the leader board for Bushveld, Mr Nimmo, Royzah and moi. Two over the ton already - could be a nail-biting finish!
Cracking day out. Good birding.