Monday 10 October 2022

Branta Bonanza

 Yes indeedy - el Royzah has once again been bangin' them in on Donside. He even managed photographery too although it is likely to have originated on the internet. Thusly

Barnies on the Don t'other day

More of it, ted

In addition, he's also claiming a fly-by puffin on a seawatch, which all seems a bit unlikely. Still its enuff to push up to third spot, just behind Bushveld.

All this catch-up action has me a bit worried. So much so that I've had to cash in redpoll and a fine lesser whitethroat in an attempt to stay out in front. I need some south-easterlies, pronto!

LATE EDIT: Just remembered someone claimed 3 whopper schwans over Galley earlier today - a quick check of the lake from the majik patio (tm) and boom - two whopper schwanns right there! Fantastic!

11/10 EDIT - just added yellow-browed warbler this afternoon - score!

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