An arse-end view of a ringtail harrier three days after the Pallid was, in all likelihood, the same bird but not seen again. Hen Harrier would still be a patch tick.
Two days later, a viz mig count for two and a quarter hours from dawn produced 13,732 Pinkies outhbound (and 30 confused birds going north). The same count produced patch record viz mig counts for Goldfinch (101), Tree Sparrow (14) and Linnet (630).
More recently, a Bar-wit has been linkering with the Oiks, a Peregrine went south and a Long-tailed Duck has returned.

Far more important, of course, were a female Blackcap up at Millden Links on Saturday (almost annual) and a Treecreeper in the Blackdog Burn sycamores on Sunday (4th record, I think - all at the sycamores).
The year list is 123. Next species puts me over 100% though need two species to overtake Shaky.
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