Thursday, 13 October 2011

see ya bye proclaimers!

Yes indeedy - successfully twitched a barred warbler in Dirk yesterday for a full fat patch tick, and then out again today and bumped into a Galley Mega.... (wait for it) coal tit! Yes, indeed, rarer than yellow browed and my first since the monster year of 2008 (when there was 3!). Also netted buzzard (honest guv) and a fine pied fly - the new feather dna App for Android really payed off for that one!

One small step for me, but a giant leap in front of the proclaimers, at feckin last!

1 comment:

  1. A wee bit suspicious that a black redstart has turned up so soon after you claimed standard redstart. Still, I'm not bitter about skidding down the table (much). Sqillions of coal tits on the patch today, along with buzzard and red grouse. Nothing with any bars or brows in sight though but I have bought some blue paint for dipping robins into if it gets desperate.

    Hey, just realised that Bushveld was a full blown Shetland tick a couple of weeks ago, and I'm happy to report there are still plenty of pies on Whalsay.
