Tuesday, 27 January 2015


To date things have been going way better than I had hoped, with good progress towards my goal of 90 for the year. This afternoon I headed out with the year list total on 49, hoping to break the big 50 but without high hopes. I was well rewarded with another 6 for the year. And not just your usual dross, there was some quality there as well.

Perhaps the best was a great look at a red-legged crake family, feeding quite unconcerned out in the open by a heavily used path. I even got my 'phone out for some snaps of that.


Inspired by early success, I then took some pictures of a family of white-breasted waterhens:

And then fortune really shifted into high gear when I met a local 'birder' who showed me the daytime roost of a large-tailed nightjar. Which was nice.

The day ended with a year list of 55. Don't get too excited, it's the tropics and spring is not on the way. Things will slow down sometime soon. And I know Rool 5...

1 comment:

  1. So whats your current percentage? You can update it by clicking on layout on the posts page, then click on scores on the doors (or tell me & i'll update)
